Friday's Pieces

Friday’s pieces 09/29


  1. I had one of those genius moments where I taped a piece of paper with a black circle onto a box, gave Noah a small sauce pan with a wooden spoon and some legos to “cook”. That kept him busy for almost an hour while I made dinner. He has since destroyed it, but it worked for that day. Toddlers are exhausting.
  2. Guys, yesterday morning I was making breakfast and something large and moving caught my eye. There was a cockroach in my kitchen. *shiver* I’m gonna assume it has to do with the season and not my lame housekeeping skills. One whack with a shoe and it was taken care of. Still, ugh.
  3. Did you miss me on Wednesday? I’m not gonna lie, I have been having a hard time sometimes coming up with things to say lately. I really felt that I had nothing to say, so in an attempt to not subject you to the random rantings of my brain (I did think about doing a rant post), I decided to just skip it. I will do my best to sit down and make a schedule so this doesn’t happen again.
  4. We also went to the market that morning. The 1€ remnant bin was full (overflowing, really!), and I got 4 large pieces of fabric for 4€. One of them is a black sweatshirt-like material. I’m totally making the Mama Bear Joggers out of that one.
  5. Speaking of Patterns for Pirates, if you’re interested in the patterns, they are having a sale right now. Seriously, guys, they are so easy and they come out amazing. While most of the patterns are for knits, they have released several woven patterns this summer, including a free pajama pants pattern! Don’t be scared of knits, once you get the hang of it they go super fast. In the last week, I have made a cardigan, two shirts, and a pencil skirt (which was done entirely during nap yesterday). Do yourself a favor and go check them out.
  6. Before I went to Germany, I had gotten Noah some shoes on sale at H&M. I was too lazy to try them on him in the store, so I just held them up to the bottom of his foot and decided they would fit. It turned out that what I thought were shoelaces were actually elastic and I couldn’t get them on his feet. Fail. But 80 cents later, we have shoelaces from the market and fully functional shoes.
  7. When Noah goes down for a nap every day, I can hear him saying goodnight one by one to each of the (four) stuffed animals who currently reside in his crib. Sometimes I go in to get him and they are all lined up and tucked in under his blanket.
  8. The new season of Fuller House came out this week. I’m a little embarrassed to admit that we have already watched several episodes.
  9. This weekend, you’ll find me making a giant birthday cake advent calendar out of poster board (for Sunday school, of course!) and going to the park. Noah got up an hour ago and he has already spent at least half that time crying for seemingly no reason. If I seem a little crazy on Monday, you’ll know why.
  10. I can’t believe it will be October on Sunday! I hope you enjoy your weekend!

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