Friday's Pieces

Friday’s pieces 12/07


  1. Sweet girl! Also, the great tights experiment worked. I put them under her onesie, so those things weren’t going anywhere!
  2. Tim made some more mulled wine… You know, just a little.


  3. On Wednesday, Tim and Noah went downtown with some people from church and Nora and I stayed home. It was really nice to have some time to catch up! I feel like I have been running around like crazy and I’m still behind. Having some time to myself (Nora took two long naps!) really helped a lot. I’m still not totally where I would like to be, but it’s better.
  4. My Kindle came in the mail and I finally got to finish reading Broken Angels. OMG, it was such a great book! It was heartbreaking and hopeful and traumatic all at once. The message of sacrifice and endurance was just so so so good. It was a deep look into a couple of areas in WWII Europe that don’t normally get covered in books about the time period.
  5. I totally meant to include this in my books post last week, but I forgot about it when the time came. But! Our church ladies have published a cookbook of traditional Neapolitan recipes. It’s called Quanta Basta and can be gotten on Amazon. The recipes are similar to (and probably including) some of the ones I have shared from the cooking classes we attend. It would be a great Christmas gift!
  6. The “owwie” on Noah’s forehead has been healing up nicely. He has several friends who are his age, and we were remarking on how everyone was surprised that he was the first one to have to go to the ER and get stitches. Let’s just say he is not the daredevil of the group. Apparently he’s just clumsy.
  7. I just can’t get over how much Nora loves her brother. That picture up there? She was looking at him. She could be crying, Noah will come in the room, and she immediately starts giggling. Or when she sees him after being apart for a while, she does that smile-with-the-whole-body thing that babies do. I love it!
  8. I’ve been doing some frantic Christmas sewing! Please tell me I’m not the only one? I finished my hoodie and Nora’s dress (cutest thing ever!). I promised Noah I would make him a shirt as well and I have to figure out how to salvage the dress I made for myself that looks HORRIBLE. And then there is this new free pattern that is perfect for my nieces, so I’m working on that (see below). By the way, if you’re looking for some fun gifts to sew, Patterns for Pirates and the sister site, Made for Mermaids, are posting a bunch of freebies this week on their blogs.


  9. I pulled out my Christmas quilting fabric a couple days ago. I’m still not quite ready to do anything with it, but I was in that box and thought I’d get it out for inspiration. It’s getting close, though!
  10. Here’s to a weekend spent in the best way possible: reading, sewing, and family time.

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